Zip Bombs

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Zip Bombs is a passive item from the Epiphany mod. It is unlocked by defeating DeliriumBoss.png Delirium as Tarnished eden small.png Tarnished Eden.

Old knife small.pngEffects

Zip Bombs gives the player 5 bombs and changes their look to a white devilish glitched face with red eyes. It also allows the bomb to explode 3 additional times in the same place, for a total of 4 explosions in intervals of 2 seconds between each one; additional explosions can still damage the player.
Picking up additional Zip Bombs collectibles will add 1 explosion to the series.

Dark power small.png Interactions

  • Rocket in a jar.pngRocket in a Jar - Rockets fired will repeatedly explode in the location they exploded, like regular bombs.
  • Anarchist cookbook.pngAnarchist Cookbook / Curse of the tower.pngCurse of the Tower - Troll Bombs spawned via Anarchist Cookbook/Curse of the Tower will repeatedly explode in their current location.
  • Bob's curse.pngBob's Curse - Bombs that repeatedly explode all leave behind toxic clouds of gas, effectively increasing the amount of time the gas cloud remains in the room before disappearing.
  • Bobby-bomb.pngBobby-Bomb - Although bombs will still technically home in on enemies whenever they respawn, they will only move a very short distance before exploding.
  • Dr fetus.pngDr. Fetus - Bombs fired by Isaac will repeatedly detonate, as expected.
  • Kamikaze.pngKamikaze! - No additional explosions will occur in the location Isaac detonates himself at.
  • Nancy bombs.pngNancy Bombs - Bombs that respawn will copy the effects of the original bomb placed.
  • Number two.pngNumber Two - Butt Bombs spawned will respawn and detonate as usual.
  • Scatter bombs.pngScatter Bombs - Mini bombs spawned will also respawn and detonate repeatedly.
  • Epic fetus.pngEpic Fetus - No additional explosions will occur wherever a rocket lands.

Story cube small.pngTrivia

  • Zip Bomb's description, Crepitus recurrere est, is Latin for "Explosions are recursive".
  • Zip Bombs are a reference to the .zip file format, used to compress multiple files into a single compressed folder.
  • The costume and name of Zip Bombs is a homage to the modded character The Deleted.

Glitched photo small.png Gallery

TrIsaac CharSelect.png Tarnished Isaac MothersShadowNew.png Mother's Shadow · D5.png D5 · First page.png First Page · Blighted dice.png Blighted Dice
TrMaggy CharSelect.png Tarnished Magdalene True love.png True Love · NewWeirdHeart.png Weird Heart · Warm coat.png Warm Coat · Cardiac arrest.png Cardiac Arrest
TrCain CharSelect.png Tarnished Cain Final wishes.png Final Wishes · Dimensional key.png Dimensional Key · Surprise box small.png Surprise Box · Throwing bag.png Throwing Bag
TrJudas CharSelect.png Tarnished Judas Dark rock small.png Dark Rock · Broken halo.png Broken Halo · Old Knife.png Old Knife · KinsCurse.png Kin's Curse · Descent.png Descent
TrSamson CharSelect.png Tarnished Samson Savage chains.png Savage Chains · Crimson bandana.pngCrimson Bandana · Broken pillar.pngBroken Pillar · Killer Instinct small.png Killer Instinct
TrEden CharSelect.png Tarnished Eden Segmentation fault.gif Segmentation Fault · Zip bombs.png Zip Bombs · Printer.png Printer · Debug.png Debug
Trlost charselect.png Tarnished Lost LinenShroud.png Linen Shroud · BottledSpirits.png Bottled Spirits · LilGuppy.png Lil Guppy · DivineRemnants.png Divine Remnants
TrKeeper CharSelect.png Tarnished Keeper Stock Fluctuation.png Stock Fluctuation · Bad company small.png Bad Company · Golden cobweb small.png Golden Cobweb · Turnover small.png Turnover
Epiphanydoor.png Challenge Unlocks Mom's hug.png Mom's Hug · Thirty pieces.png Thirty Pieces of Silver · Nothing small.png Nothing · Coin case.png Coin Case · Chance cube.png Chance Cube · Revolt.png Revolt · Retribution.png Retribution
TarnishedRandom.png Misc Items Empty deck.png Empty Deck · Woolen cap.png Woolen Cap · Portable dice machine.png Portable Dice Machine · Delirious die dispenser.png Delirious Die Dispenser · Blight.png Blight · Work in progress.png Work In Progress
TarnishedRandom.png Quest Items Blighted photo.png Blighted Photo · Child's Drawing.png Child's Drawing · Bleeding heart small.png Bleeding Heart · Sharp rock.png Sharp Rock · Delilahsrazor.png Delilah's Razor · Glitched photo animated.gif Glitched Photo · Broken orb.png Broken Orb · KAEK small.png K.A.E.K.
TarnishedRandom.png Unused/Upcoming Dark power.png Dark Power · Ophanim · LivingBlood.png Living Blood